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Ceppo probiotico

Lactobacillus acidophilus W22

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Studi a supporto

Reiter A, Bengesser SA, Hauschild AC, Birkl-Töglhofer AM, Fellendorf FT, Platzer M, Färber T, Seidl M, Mendel LM, Unterweger R, Lenger M, Mörkl S, Dalkner N, Birner A, Queissner R, Hamm C, Maget A, Pilz R, Kohlhammer-Dohr A, Wagner-Skacel J, Kreuzer K, Schöggl H, Amberger-Otti D, Lahousen T, Leitner-Afschar B, Haybäck J, Kapfhammer HP, Reininghaus E. Interleukin-6 Gene Expression Changes after a 4-Week Intake of a Multispecies Probiotic in Major Depressive Disorder-Preliminary Results of the PROVIT Study. Nutrients. 2020 Aug 26;12(9):2575. doi: 10.3390/nu12092575.

Bagga D, Aigner CS, Reichert JL, Cecchetto C, Fischmeister FPS, Holzer P, Moissl-Eichinger C, Schöpf V. Influence of 4-week multi-strain probiotic administration on resting-state functional connectivity in healthy volunteers. Eur J Nutr. 2019 Aug;58(5):1821-1827. doi: 10.1007/s00394-018-1732-z. Epub 2018 May 30.


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