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Ceppo probiotico

Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17939

Aree terapeutiche
Intestino e digestione
Intestino irritabile
Studi a supporto

Wegh CAM, Benninga MA, Tabbers MM. Effectiveness of probiotics in children with functional abdominal pain disorders and functional constipation: a systematic review. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2018;52 Suppl 1, Proceedings from the 9th Probiotics, Prebiotics and New Foods, Nutraceuticals and Botanicals for Nutrition&Human and Microbiota Health Meeting, held in Rome, Italy from September 10 to 12, 2017:S10–26. Trivić I, Niseteo T, Jadrešin O, Hojsak I. Use of probiotics in the treatment of functional abdominal pain in children—systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Pediatr. 2021 Feb;180(2):339–51. Weizman Z, Abu-Abed J, Binsztok M. Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 for the management of functional abdominal pain in childhood: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Pediatr. 2016 Jul;174:160-164.e1.

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